Our Clubs
We have a range of seasonal clubs that are run over the school year. In these cases teachers send out letters or pings, and clubs are run if there is sufficient take up. Many of our clubs are free, run by teachers for specific year groups. Ask in the office for more details.
We are pleased to offer a breakfast club run by school staff from 7.45- start of school every day. Sessions cost £5. Please contact the office for more information.

Albion In The Community
Albion in the community is run by independent football coaches on Tuesday afternoons. To book your child onto these sessions please go to albioninthecommunity.org.uk.
- Tuesday – years 1 & 2
- Friday - year 3
The choir rehearses on a Monday afternoon with Miss Woodward leading the sessions.
Monday – years 4, 5 & 6
Colouring Club
Wednesday morning with Mrs Davies
- Wednesday mornings 8:15am til start of school day - year 1
Collection Dance
Contemporary and Freestyle Dance Classes Thursday evenings - ages 5-12. To book your child onto these sessions please visit www.collectiondance.co.uk or email info@collectiondance.co.uk
Contemporary 5-6pm
Freestyle 6-7pm
Football Club
Monday afternoons see our football club take the pitch with Mr Marsh & Ms Murray leading the sessions.
- Monday – years 3 & 4 Mixed Football
- Wednesday - years 4, 5 & 6 Girls Football
- Friday - years 5 & 6 Mixed Football
French Club
The French club is run by independent tutors Le Club Francais on a Friday afternoon. Sign up on their website https://www.lcfclubs.com/
- Friday – years 1, 2, 3 & reception
Hands on Art Club
The Art Club is run by an independant teacher every Tuesday afternoon. Please contact: hanskibol88@gmail.com or 07912 569 481
- Tuesdays - Years 2 to 6
Cross Country
Monday afternoons see Ms Evans and Miss Bourne training the Cross Country runners .
- Monday – years 4, 5 & 6
Fridays see Ms Kelly running our Yoga club
- Friday – years 2 & 3
Netball club
The netball club takes the court on Wednesday afternoons, hosted by Mrs Gallani
- Wednesday – years 4, 5 & 6
SAMA Karate Club
Mr Pink from SAMA Karate runs the karate club on a Wednesday afternoon for all year groups. Sign up at https://www.samasoutheast.co.uk/
- Wednesday – all years
Samba Drumming Club
Our Samba Drumming Club is on Wednesday afternoons with Ms Bourne
- Wednesday - Years 5 & 6
Singing Club
Wednesday mornings with Mrs LaCoste
- Wednesday mornings 8:15am til start of school day - years 2 & 3
Street Dance Club
Our street dance club gathers on a Tuesday afternoon and is run by Mrs Head. If you would like more information, please contact Mrs Head on 07789 888029
- Tuesday – KS2
- Thursday - KS1
Zylo Performance Drama Club
- Mondays and Fridays KS2 For further information please visit: https://www.zyloperformance.co.uk/drama-clubs
Collection Dance
- Thursday evenings from 5p.m. For further information contact info@collectiondance.co.uk