Mathematics at Swiss Gardens
At Swiss Gardens, we believe maths is more than than just learning key skills and practising these in class – using and applying their knowledge is at the heart of our curriculum. Children are given the opportunity to work like a mathematician and make good progress during their time with us. Mathematics is an essential part of everyday life and as such it is essential we strive to enthuse and motivate our children to develop a love of the subject. We make maths fun and teach it in many practical ways, that allow the children to develop the number and problem solving skills that they can apply with confidence and independence within ‘real life’ situations.
curriculum statement for maths
Schemes of Learning
At Swiss Gardens we follow the White Rose scheme of learning. Teachers may spend more of less time on a unit depending on the children's need. Teachers may also use other supporting materials when neede.
Maths in the Real World
We explore how maths is used in everyday life. Here are some of our examples of how children apply what they learn in maths.
"Recipes because it's important to measure the ingredients properly."
"Clock because it is using the 5 times table."
"An apple: I would use a apple for dividing because I can cut It up and share It with my family. I can cut It into halves then into quarters."
Resources to support Maths learning
There are many websites that you can use to support your childs mathematics learning at home.
Also for information about White Rose maths you can visit the parent's page.
Extra Curricular Opportunities
Four Year 4 "mathmagicians" attended the Year 4 maths challenge at Christ's Hospital School with Miss Maybury. She is super proud of them because they competed with 28 schools from across the county and further afield. The children worked in pairs to solve problems and worK out calculations. The challenges took place in "Big School" or The Great Hall.
First we watched the lunch parade and the band who were really good, they came towards us marching and playing their instruments, then all the pupils came flooding into the lunch hall. It was incredible. They wear school uniform that is simiialr to the ones they had in Tudor times when the school was first founded!
Kit Owen , Rudi Fairchild, Theo Lewis and Finn Challis really represented Swiss Gardens well. They worked so well as a team and they came FIRST! Yes out of 28 schools from all over Sussex, they were the winners!
After the Prize giving, they were invited to have tea in the Great Dining Hall, which is really impressive. You will see from the photographs that they had a great time. What a fantastic experience for them.
We are super proud of TEAM SWISS!
YEAR 6 MATHS CHALLENGE - Windlesham House 27.10.22
We are Riley, Rohan, Ollie and Alex and we went to the Windlesham House Maths competition. We came 4th and 6th, out of 45 teams. From a range of schools
It all started when we got to the field. You could see the building in the distance. It was so big. We went inside and found out tables. Alexander and Ollie sat at table 240, and Riley and Rohan sat at table 246. There were 3 different challenges we had to complete. First, we did, ‘Find the value’, then we did ‘Counting Down’, and lastly we did the ‘Big Event’. We then played some Maths hames while we waited for the scores.
Alexander and Ollie cam 4th (265 points), and Riley and Rohan came 6th (260 points). We had a great time.
YEAR 5 MATHS CHALLENGE – Christ’s Hospital
On Wednesday 23rd March, four mathematicians from Year 5 went off to Christ’s Hospital to complete in a mathematics competition. We were spilt into two teams – Cormorant: Alexander, and Ollie, Avocet: Riley and Rohan.
It started with entering the big school. We sat down and watched the students march to lunch as the band played. It was incredible, and a lot to do just to go to lunch! After we watched them march, we went to a small church and went to our numbered desk. There were so many people! The man asked us to do the Christ’s Hospital turn, which was to turn 90 degrees to the left. Then we got started. Riley and Rohan started with Broken Calculator, Alexander and Ollie started with Make 24. There were so many different challenges, including domino puzzles and tangrams.
Once we had completed all our questions, the man announced the results: Riley and Rohan, number 763 – 4th place, Alexander and Ollie, number 790 – 2nd place. We then had a meal in the cafeteria and went home!
By Riley, Alexander, Rohan and Ollie