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Swiss Gardens Primary School

Welcome To Reception


Cygnets Class – Mrs Davies and Mrs Miller-Hudson


Ducklings Class – Mrs La Coste

Cygnets Class – Mrs Davies

C-Davies0008 Mrs Miller-Hudson

Ducklings Class – Mrs La Coste




This term we will be focusing on minibeasts. We will learn about different habitats and about life cycles. We will be going on our first day away school trip to Pulborough Brooks!

We have now learnt all of the sounds in the stage one Song of Sounds and we will be building our fluency to recognise, read and write them and develop stamina to write at greater length. We will be learning the final set of tricky words and by the end of the year should be able to read and write many independently.

In maths we will be building on our knowledge of the numbers 0-10 and looking at teen numbers and beyond. We will continue to develop understanding of concepts such as addition and apply our maths to real world maths problems. We will begin to have a go at recording in simple ways. 



Reading is at the centre of all of our learning. Below are the key books that we will be sharing with the children. We will also be sharing a wide range of stories and non fiction books daily. If your child has a book they would like to share with us please do send it in to share! 

hung cat
minibeasts 1
minibeast bop
minibeasts 2

Home Learning

-Talk about different habitats

-Go on a bug hunt together

-Think about how other living things grow and change. Talk about life cycles.

-Keep building fine motor skills- cutting, painting, playdough

-Practice counting everything

-Practice number bonds of 10

-Have a go at adding and taking away with numbers up to 10.

-Read- every day if you can

-Practice reading tricky words

-Look for meaningful places to have a go at writing e.g. list of bugs you find, shopping lists, their own minibest stories 



Reading is one of the very best ways to support your child's learning across all areas! Just a little every day increases their vocabulary, enhances their understanding of the world and develops their comprehension. Children have now begun bringing home library books to share with you at home. Use these books to support your child with early reading skills.

How can you help?

- Choose a convenient time; for many children 5-10 minutes may be long enough

-Use pictures and characters to engage their attention

-Give plenty of praise!

-Stop if they are bored or become uninterested

Use your child's reading record to note down some comments

      You might consider-

-What they enjoyed/did not enjoy about the book and why

-Any comparisons they made to other stories or their own lives

-Comments about the events of the story

-Ideas for what could happen next

-Comments about what they notice from the pictures 

The most important thing is to enjoy reading together! 

classroom 2

Handwriting and Letter Formation

In the Spring term we will look at the correct formation of each letter and practise writing them ourselves. Children will be introduced to each of the letters when we learn then in our phonic sessions and we will model the correct formation. We encourage children to use the correct formation starting from the right place in all of their writing. Correct formation helps children as they build fluency and will eventually support them in joining (intoduced in ks1).

curly catslong laddersone arm robotszig zag monsters

Song of Sounds formation ditties can be found here.

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