Welcome To Reception

Cygnets Class – Mrs Davies and MrsDunford

Ducklings Class – Mrs La Coste
Welcome to EYFS. The teachers currently in reception are Mrs Davies and Mrs Dunford (Cygnet class) and Mrs La Coste (Duckling class) who are supported by Mrs O'Connor, Ms Reed.
Welcome to the second term of school! Wow that time has flown! Since September the children have come so far and we are very proud of them. They now know lots of phonic sounds and can sound out words and blend to read them! We have been having a go at writing simple words and recording all the sounds they can hear. We have also built confidence with numbers and are becoming real experts on numbers 0-5 plus so much more! This term we have lots more exciting learning planned, our topic starts with the tale of The Snail and the Whale and looks at far away places including Australia and China! We will be looking at maps and having a go at making some of our own. We will have a chance to try new foods and explore art and celebrations.
If your child/family has links to another country we would love to build this into our topic! In previous years children have taught their class mates phrases in their first language, introduced the class to different cuisines and even shared some salted (Swedish fish) sweets! Please do let us know if you have any suggestions for this topic.
Below you will find the overview for this topic with lots of suggestions for how you might support learning at home.

Reading is at the centre of all of our learning. Below are the key books that we will be sharing with the children. We will also be sharing a wide range of stories and non fiction books daily. If your child has a book they would like to share with us please do send it in to share!
Home Learning
- Practise confidently writing their name with correct formation of each letter
-Daily shared reading. Re-read your matched book several times
-Practise the stage 1 song of sounds
-Practise reading and writing the sounds we have learnt
-Visit the library and explore the books together
-Talk to your child about festivals you celebrate as a family and what your own beliefs are
-Practise putting on own coat and zipping it up and getting gloves, hats, scaves on and off
-Playing rhyming games
-Sing nursery rhymes together- teach your child a song you remember from childhood
-Talk about time together and times of the day
Reading is one of the very best ways to support your child's learning across all areas! Just a little every day increases their vocabulary, enhances their understanding of the world and develops their comprehension. Children have now begun bringing home library books to share with you at home. Use these books to support your child with early reading skills.
How can you help?
- Choose a convenient time; for many children 5-10 minutes may be long enough
-Use pictures and characters to engage their attention
-Give plenty of praise!
-Stop if they are bored or become uninterested
Use your child's reading record to note down some comments
You might consider-
-What they enjoyed/did not enjoy about the book and why
-Any comparisons they made to other stories or their own lives
-Comments about the events of the story
-Ideas for what could happen next
-Comments about what they notice from the pictures
The most important thing is to enjoy reading together!
Hand Writing and Letter Formation
In the Spring term we will begin to look at correct formation for each letter. We encourage children to use the correct formation starting from the right place however, for most children at this stage they will be working on the letters in their names (using lower case). Correct formation helps children as they build fluency and will eventually support them in joining (intoduced in ks1).

Song of Sounds formation ditties can be found here.
Number Sense
Early number sense video