Modern Foreign Languages at swiss
At Swiss Gardens we believe that all children should be able to access a foreign language. We have many different languages that are spoken at home and we feel it is important to celebrate these as well as build on language learning. Learning a modern foreign language is not just about the language itself. We want to inspire children to love language and give them opportunities to deepen their understanding of the world. We believe learning a language enhances children’s understanding of difference and learning other languages gives them the insight into the people, culture and traditions of other countries and helps us to understand our own language and culture.
Through our cross curricular approach we give children the opportunities to learn about different countries, cultures and festivals. We learn about the traditions and the languages that are spoken and embrace the experiences of learning about other languages.
At Swiss, we mainly teach French. Our curriculum is progressive and the children build on their prior knowledge. Reception and KS1 focus on greetings and celebrating different cultures and KS2 build on the basic language learning. We begin with speaking and listening and progress to encompass reading and writing further up the school. Our French lessons are very practical with communication at the heart.
children in Year 4 naming parts of the body in French

Year 3 learning the colours of the rainbow in French

Year 3 have been learning our numbers from 0 to 10.