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Swiss Gardens Primary School

The Governing Body at Swiss Gardens Primary

Welcome from the Governing Body of Swiss Gardens Primary School. The governing body is responsible for three main areas:

  • the strategic direction of the school;
  • the accountability of the school to its stakeholders;
  • monitoring and evaluating the quality of the school’s provision.

The governing body is composed of five parent governors, one Local Authority governor, one staff governor, four co-opted governors and the Headteacher. We meet as a whole group each half term, with each meeting having a particular focus. 

Governors are involved in understanding and challenging how the school plans and evaluates its teaching and learning, and work collectively to help support the school leadership team in setting standards and shaping how the school develops. We work with the school to confirm that they are continually striving to provide the best value for each and every child at Swiss Gardens Primary School.

Meet Our Governors

Al Reid

Mr Alastair Reid - Parent Governor & Chair of Governors

  • Stafffing & Finance Lead

I have been Governor at Swiss Gardens since 2017 and was made Chair two weeks before the first lockdown - a baptism of fire. We helped support the school to stay open throughout for key workers kids, whilst trying to keep our staff safe, and the rest of the children home schooled. We are now focussed back on the job we are meant to be doing - helping Swiss Gardens be the best community school it can be. We do this by providing strategic direction and support, help the school develop and protect its ethos, and provide strong oversight of its educational and financial performance. We want Swiss Gardens kids to be curious, to have big dreams, and be prepared for an exciting future. 

We are very lucky in that respect to have a great Head, a great team of staff, and the unwavering support of parents. A wise owl once told me any school is only as good as its parents. We’ve built a fantastic team of governors from all areas of the community, from clergy to well-being practitioners, experienced leaders in education, policing, HR and finance. I can honestly say its the strongest it has ever been during my time as governor.

My kids Mia and Max have both been through the school, and my wife is a teacher in a special school in Portslade, meaning I care deeply what happens to the children at Swiss and in our community in their formative years in education. I’ve campaigned for many years for better planning for school places through my work with FAST, better funding, and against an over reliance on statutory tests. I’ve also helped find and secure hundreds of thousands of pounds of funding for Swiss to improve our facilities for our children. 

My day job has spanned recruitment, (building European teams for US software companies), running marketing and design companies, (working for everyone from Playstation, to the French President to Fat Boy Slim!), and in the last few years coaching senior leaders and owners of tech and creative businesses across Europe and the US. I help those leaders get clear about where they want to go and help them get closer to where they want to be. I want to help Swiss Gardens in the same way. As ever it is less about the destination, and more about the journey.


  • Ex offio Governor 



Mrs Verity Spears - Parent Governor

  • Joint SEN/Inclusion/Disadvantaged Lead
  • Joint Health & Safety Lead

  I am Shoreham born and bred and actually went to Swiss when it was Victoria First. I have 27 years experience in the public sector in various roles latterly as an IT Business Partner.

I love interacting with children and have been involved with Scouts, cadets and other youth leader roles so am always interested to hear from the most important people in the school as to what they feel life is like for them on the receiving end.

I’m a busy Mum and keen rugby supporter. I am enjoying the challenge of seeing the workings of a school from a different perspective, and hope to be able to make a positive contribution to the life of the school.



Dr Rachael Attwood Hamard - Parent Governor

  • School Marketing Lead
  • Joint Curriculum / Teaching & Learning Lead

Rachael is a senior academic with considerable leadership experience in the university sector. She currently teaches History from BA to PhD level at the University of Westminster, where she also heads up the BA History and Politics course. She is passionate about equal opportunity in all levels of education as well as the promotion of diversity and inclusion. Rachael attended Swiss Gardens (then Shoreham First School) as a child, and now has a daughter in Year Four and a son soon to join the Pre-School.  


Mrs Sue Uff - Local Authority Governor

  • Joint Curriculum / Teaching & Learning Lead
  • Ofsted Lead

I joined Swiss Gardens Primary School Governing Body in January 2022 as a Local Authority governor having previously been a governor in 2 other schools. I have worked in schools within West Sussex for 27 years as a teacher, a Deputy and, as the Headteacher of a primary school for 7 years. I live in Shoreham and I am married with 2 children, both in local primary and secondary schools. I feel I have a good knowledge of primary education and school systems from both a teacher’s perspective and as a parent.

I am passionate about the quality of children’s education and about the positive opportunities all children should be given in this ever-changing world, to prepare them for their future lives.

I am proud, as an LA governor, to support and challenge the school in continuing to move forward. I have an objective approach to decision making and I am able to look at the bigger picture. I am a committed governor who is passionate about working with the staff, children and parents at Swiss Gardens to help it continue to thrive within the community.


Mrs Lisa Sharp - Co-opted Governor

  • Joint Wellbeing Lead

I have been a teacher at Swiss Gardens for 19 years and a governor for 6 years, so feel I am a walking testament to the schools ability to create an environment where staff and pupils feel nurtured and supported.

Both my children (now at secondary school) who attended Swiss Gardens were supported to feel seen as individuals and to reach their fullest potential.

I am passionate about the role education has in fostering the potential in all children to develop and become life-long learners.


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Mrs Martha Mellors - Parent Governor

  • Joint Safeguarding Lead

My 3 children started at Swiss Gardens Primary school in March 2020, just before the first lockdown. I was so impressed with how the school dealt with the rapidly changing environment, that I wanted to ensure I did what I could to support the school in the future. I joined the Parent and Teacher Association in 2021, becoming chair in January 2022. I have been a parent governor at the school since October 2022. Connecting the work and funds the PTA raises with resources the school needs is really important to me. Ensuring every child at the school has equal opportunities. This is my motivation for being one of the Safeguarding and Pupil premium leads on the governing board. 

The community in Shoreham and especially at the school is extremely nurturing, caring and supportive of all and being part of that is a great privilege. As a parent governor with no direct experience within teaching, curriculum or academia I hope to bring a parents view and help to ensure the vision set by the school is upheld. It is also a great learning opportunity for my personal development and find seeing the school from different angles extremely interesting.


Mr Andy Grave - Parent Governor

  • Joint Data Lead

I am a dedicated and committed parent governor with a passion for education and a desire to make a positive impact on my local community.   I have been an active member of the school's governing body since 2022.

As a parent governor I look to represent the views and concerns of parents and carers in decision-making processes. With 2 children currently attending the school and another soon to join, I am keen to ensure that the school continues to be a place of excellence, both socially and educationally.



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I am a parent of a child in year 6 and have two other children who attended Swiss and are now at University and sixth form college, so this is my 15th consecutive year as a Swiss parent! 

We moved from Brighton in 2011 and chose this school because it was a nurturing environment for our boys to explore their learning and creativity. We have watched the school change to accommodate growing numbers and constantly strive to provide the best educational opportunities during some very challenging times. 

My children have benefited so much from being at this school and I love the community here. I want as a parent governor to give something back to this fantastic school and offer some of the skills I have as a busy healthcare professional working in a very challenging environment. I am excited to take on this role as parent governor and will endeavour to do my very best.

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