computing at swiss gardens
At Swiss Gardens we believe that computing and digital technology is more than just learning how to code, it should be integrated within our cross curricular approach, to all areas of learning. We aim to ensure that children are ready for the world they live in and can utilise technology for a range of purposes, safely, confidently and effectively.
Fundemental to our teaching is the focus on safety and responsibility to keep data safe and personal details private, this theme runs through every aspect of our curriculum.
All year groups have access to iPads which they use right across all areas of the curriculum including: research, presentation, art work, coding and recording.
Wherever possible we try to ensure that their learning of computing is set in the context of our cross curricular approach. For example from Year One, making a moving picture story related to the core text The Naughty Bus to Year 6 using digital technology purposefully in their research and fact files about children in WW2.
The Year 1 children created artwork on the iPads inspired by a range of artists. This one is an example of Kandinsky's artwork on the left and then the children's recreation on the right.

We use iPads for lots of learning across the curriculum.
We collaborate and support each other to create new things using digital technology.
Reception |
Can I understand the importance of asking for help from an adult when on the internet? Can I play appropriate games on the Internet? Can I identify some ways technology is used at home and in school? Can I use simple software to make things happen? Can I begin to sequence instructions? Can I recognise, use and understand directional language? Can I perform a simple program on the floor robot? Can I create content using digital technology? Can I use a camera or sound recorder to collect photos or sound? Can I use paint programs to create pictures? |
Key Stage 1
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
End of Key Stage Expectations |
E-safety |
Can I identify what personal information is? Can I identify what to do if I see disturbing content online at home or at school? Can I identify ways to keep myself safe while using digital technology? Can I understand that information on the internet can be seen by others? Can I describe some of the risks that occur on the internet?
Children will: -Learn about what information is ‘private’ and understand that we must not share this information with anyone online. -Understand that we can go to an adult for help if something happens that we are unsure of, -Understand that we must only use websites or apps that adults have given us permission to use, -Learn where they can go for help or support if they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other technologies, (Spring) |
Can I explain what personal information is and develop awareness of why it is special and should not be shared? Can I explain what to do if I have concerns about content or contact online? Can I keep safe and show respect to others while using digital technology? Can I identify ways I can use the Internet to communicate with family and friends?
Children will: -Always let an adult know when they are going online. -Learn about age ratings and that there is content online that is inappropriate for them. |
Algorithms, programming and logical reasoning. |
Can I describe algorithms as sequences of instructions? Can I plan a sequence of steps to solve problems? Can I program floor robots using sequences of instructions (using directional language) to implement an algorithm? Can I programme on screen robots using a number of steps before pressing go? Can I explain what I think a program will do?
Children will: -Physically follow and give each other instructions to move around. -Explore outcomes when buttons are pressed in sequences on a robot. -Begin to use software to create movements on screen, -Execute a program on a floor robot to achieve an algorithm. -Use the word debug to correct any mistakes when programming a floor robot, (Summer) -Begin to predict what will happen for a short sequence of instructions in a program, -Create a moving picture using 2 create a super story. |
Can I describe algorithms as sequences of instructions or sets of rules in everyday contexts; understand the importance of order and accuracy of these? Can I program on screen using sequences of instructions to implement an algorithm? Can I create programs as sequences of instructions when programming on screen, correcting any errors? Can I begin to experiment with variables?
Children will: Use the ‘Robot Algorithms’ unit in Summer term to create an algorithm and debug. Predict what the program will do/how it will work. |
Using technology purposefully |
Can I use digital technology to store and retrieve content?(Autumn) Can I identify different kinds of content? Can I create original content using digital technology? Can I use a mouse/touchpad to navigate around a computer screen?
Children will: Learn to use a mousepad and keyboard. Use a paint app to create artwork on iPads in the style of different artists, Learn to use paint buttons such as fill, line, pen, colour etc. Use a search engine to search for images and information. Copy and paste images from the web. Position the image on a page, Use a word processer to add a sentence about chosen image. Save and retrieve their work, Turn a computer on and off and login to the computer with support. Locate and open applications with support. Use websites and educational games to support our learning in other areas. Use the iPads to take photos and annotate in a variety of programs. |
Can I store, organise and retrieve content on digital devices for a given purpose? Can I create and edit original content for a given purpose using digital technology?
Children will: Use search engines during English to research a topic. Create data – pictograms. They will input data, compare it and present it. (Spring) |
Recognise uses for technology beyond school |
Can I recognise uses of technology in our homes and communities? Can I understand that there are online tools and programs that we can use to create things?
Children will: Learn about what technology is. Use search engines to look up pictures on the internet. Use paint app to create artwork. |
Can I show an awareness of how IT is used for a range of purposes beyond school?
Children will: Learn about what IT is/using IT in school/world, benefits of IT, using IT safely and different ways IT can be used, (Autumn)
Key Stage 2
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
End of Key Stage Expectations |
E-safety |
Can I agree sensible e-safety rules for the classroom? Can I identify who I can trust and share my personal information with online? Can I use digital technology safely and show respect for others when working online? Can I identify how to report concerns and inappropriate behaviour in school? Can I recognise unacceptable behaviour when using digital technology? Can I decide whether a web page is relevant for a given purpose or question? Can I explain and understand online protocols, in order to stay safe on the web? Can I identify what cyberbullying is and its consequences? Can I identify the risks on online gaming and know how to protect myself?
Can I agree sensible e-safety rules for the classroom? Can I demonstrate that I can act responsibly when using computers/technology? Can I identify and explain the differences between acceptable and unacceptable behaviours when using digital technology? Can I identify who to talk to about concerns and inappropriate behaviour at home or in school? Can I decide whether digital content is relevant for a given purpose or question? Can I begin to use a range of online communication tools, such as forums, email and polls in order to formulate, develop and exchange ideas?
Can I agree sensible e-safety rules for the classroom? Can I demonstrate that I can act responsibly when using the internet? Can I discuss my own personal use of the Internet and choices I make? Can I discuss the importance of keeping an adult informed about what I’m doing online, and how to report concerns? Can I understand how personal information, such as pictures, can spread? Can I understand how to report concerns and inappropriate behaviour in a range of contexts? Can I work collaboratively with peers on a class website or blog? |
Can I agree sensible e-safety rules for the classroom? Can I discuss my own personal use of the Internet and choices I make? Can I discuss the importance of keeping an adult informed about what I’m doing online, and how to report concerns? Can I demonstrate that I can think through the consequences of my actions when using digital technology? Can I understand a range of ways to report concerns and inappropriate behaviour in a variety of contexts? Can I understand how sending and receiving appropriate and inappropriate content can have an impact and what to do if somebody has an image of them they are unhappy with?
Algorithms, programming and logical reasoning. |
Can I design and make a simple program? Can I understand that algorithms sometimes fail and know what to do to correct them? Can I program & enter a sequence of instructions on a robot specifying distance & turn to achieve specific outcomes, debug the sequence where necessary? Can I use sequence in programs? Can I write a program to produce output on screen?
The children will: -Program and debug probots (Autunn) -Do the unit the robot/hour of code/scratch (Spring). -Stop motion animation (Summer). |
Can I design and write simple programs that achieve goals? Can I debug programs, applying logical solutions? Can I create an algorithm & a program that will use a simple selection command for a game? Can I begin to correct errors (debug) as I program devices & actions on screen?
The children will: -Research, design and program a maths game on Scratch Jr. (Autumn) -Isle of tune – digital music – programming (Spring)
Can I design, create and debug simple programs? Can I explore instructions to control software or hardware with an input & using if... then... commands? Can I refine & extend a program? Can I identify difficulties & articulate a solution for errors in a program?
The children will: -Use scratch and think about different outcomes/conditions and selections. Modifying conditions and identifying impact this has. -Design a program – questions/loops. (Autumn). -Manipulating objects on screen, layering objects – vector drawings (Spring). -Stop motion animation (Summer) |
Can I apply logic to find and fix bugs in a program or algorithm? Can I design, create and debug more complex programs? Can I write a program which follows an algorithm to achieve a planned outcome for appropriate programming software?
The children will: -Focus on variables using Scratch. -Improve a game -Design a game -Design to code -Improving and sharing – debugging.
Using technology purposefully |
Can I use a range of programs on a computer? Can I design and create content on a computer? Can I collect and present information? Can I search for information within a single site? Can I describe how search engines select pages according to keywords found in the content?
The children will: -Search the internet, collect information and present it. -Design and make an interactive quiz (Summer). |
Can I use combine and use a range of programs on a computer? Can I design and create content on a computer in response to a given goal? Can I collect, analyse and present data? Can I use a standard search engine to find information using a range of strategies to be more successful in finding reliable information?
The children will: -Researching online linking to topic (Summer). -Presenting work using IT. -We are meteorologists – collecting and presenting data.
Can I use and combine a range of programs on multiple devices? Can I design and create programs on a computer in response to a given goal? Can I analyse and evaluate information? Can I use filters to make more effective use of a standard search engine?
The children will: -Creating, manipulating objects on screen, layering objects – vector drawings (Spring). -Research during guided reading and presenting their information. -Use word to present newspaper articles. |
Can I select, use and combine a range of programs on multiple devices? Can I design and create systems in response to a given goal? Can I analyse and evaluate data using their chosen software and graphs? Can I make use of a range of search engines appropriate to finding information that is required?
The children will: -Introduction to spread sheets (google sheets) – collect data, format spreadsheet, formulas, calculating, duplicating and planning an event using spreadsheet and present the data. -Learn about computer systems and networks and use this for communication and collaboration. |