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Swiss Gardens Primary School

Welcome To Year Six


Seagull Class – Miss Mayle



Albatross Class – Mrs Phillips & Mr Johnson


The teachers currently in Year six are Miss Mayle  (Seagull Class) and Mrs Phillips & Mr Johnson (Albatross class).

Classes will be supported by Mrs Taylor and Miss Martin.



Curriculum Map Autumn Term

Spring term - Our Diverse World

spring curriculum map

Newhaven Fort - 11.9.23

On our school trip to Newhaven Fort we had lots of fun! We started off the day by going to the activity centre where we learnt about evacuees, types of gas masks for different ages and even more. After, we learnt about the Blitz. We had to figure out what objects, different people needed for their jobs. After this, we went into the air raid shelter to find out what it would have been like. It was a bit scary and some people screamed! We also learnt about the different types of weapons they would have used in WWII.

Finally, we got to explore the fort. We went up to the cliffs and saw the sea and lighthouse. Then we went down into the tunnels and walked through the dark, claustrophobic passageways. We ended the day by going to the shop.



Here are the statutory spelling words for all key stage phases to help support at home with Spelling. There may also be a weekly spelling focus added to this page, when we feel necessary.

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