Swiss Gardens PTA
Who is part of Swiss Gardens PTA? All the Parents and carers of children currently at the school are automatically a member of the wider Swiss PTA along with all the school staff! Everyone is welcome to attend PTA meetings and get involved if they would like to. Notice of upcoming meetings is sent out via the school’s ping system, but you can stay up to date by following the PTA on Instagram or Facebook @Swissgardenspta
What does the PTA do and why? Swiss Gardens PTA is a registered Charity and its mission statement is to fundraise to provide activities or facilities that support the school in enhancing the education of the pupils. It also aims to develop strong relationships between the school and parent / carer communities through events. Swiss gardens PTA contributes more than ten thousand pounds each year to the school to benefit every child.
How does it raise the money? All funds are raised through regular and varied events across the school year including:
• Discos: Halloween discos for years 3-6 & Easter discos for years R-2
• Large Christmas and Summer Fairs for the whole community with crafts, games, food, drink, and performances
• Christmas Cards for sale designed by your child
• Quiz Nights for adults and children
• Sponsored events such as the pancake flip and The Head’s special fundraiser in July
• Creative events and competitions
• Regular homemade cake sales in the playground (Baked by the amazing PTA baking squad of volunteers!)
• A weekly school lottery (
• Dress down days
• Pre-loved uniform sales
What is the money raised spent on? This is a result of guidance and requests from the school and voted on by the PTA. Large spending commitments must be approved by the Head and are emailed to all parents and carers so the wider PTA gets to have a say.
In the past the PTA has contributed to amazing projects such as the award-winning new library, the well-being room, the learning Kitchen and Mary’s Garden.
More recent contributions have been to the new music room, playground equipment and Computer equipment.
Some examples of current commitments:
• £50 topic fund per class per term to be used by Teachers for resources for the pupils
• £150 per year for the wellness room
• Ongoing support for the library
• £4000 for the new Swissperience days for all children. An experience per term - all children get an amazing enrichment experience such as a reptile visit or a west end musical workshop at the school. Starts spring 2025
• Year 6 Leavers fund of £250
• £1700 for widget licenses and visualisers for every classroom
All this has only been achieved at the school because of the time and energy of all the volunteers involved (Parents, carers, school staff and pupils) and the generous spending of the school community at our events.
Getting Involved: The PTA team would love to hear from you if you would like to get involved in any way big or small. You can email anytime or feedback through your year rep if you prefer. We understand how busy life is (especially with children) so as a team we pull together to support each other and help only with what we can, when we can. We are also very clear that it’s totally okay to step back or leave when the time is right.
The team who run it: The PTA team is made up of a voluntary Board of 4 elected Trustees and 10 other team members. The team also relies on the generous support of other volunteer parents, carers, teachers, pupils, and school staff to run the events.
The team are voted in at the annual AGM in the Autumn – everyone is welcome to attend or apply to become a member of the team. As a team our aim is to create a range of fun and inclusive events all the children, adults and wider community can take part in and enjoy. The money we raise goes to benefit every child and enhance their experience at our wonderful school.
Current Elected trustees / team members:
• Kath Smith – Chair
• Rob Neal – Treasurer
• Zoe Wishman – Swissperience Lead
• Bethan Silcox – Grants manager
Current Team Members:
• Jasmyn La Coste – Staff liaison KS1
• Jenny Bourne – Staff liaison KS2
• Jackie Doolan – Health and safety
• Kelly Alexander – Uniform sales
• Clare Stenning – Corporate donations / raffles
• Ellie Leckey – Social Media
• Louise Driver – Events & promotion
• Rebecca Lee – Creative event decoration
• Amy Hill – Music lead
• Hanna Boal – Resources / craft lead
Many thanks for reading, see you soon!
Swiss PTA 😊